Contraception Resources

Action Canada: Choosing a Birth Control Method

Provides brief descriptions as well as pros and cons of various hormonal, barrier, and permanent methods of contraception, as well as information on emergency contraception. 

Lifestyle Condom Size Guide

Size guide to help you find the right fit for you.


From the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. Website focusing on topics surrounding sexual and reproductive health such as contraceptives and STIs. Provides information on STI symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Provides guides on how to select the suitable contraceptive method for you as well as courses of action after missed or extended doses.

Fertility Awareness Methods Course by Natalie Daudet

Fertility awareness educator Nathalie Daudet’s free intro course on Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM). FAM can be an alternative to hormonal birth control. It focuses on understanding your menstrual cycle to identify your fertile window and determine when it is best to have sex depending on your goal with the method.